CHO to Host GTA Forum

The CHO will be hosting a webinar on Thursday 14 January (13.00pm) for members who are also subscribers of the GTA.

The CHO receive questions on a regular basis from members on how best to apply the GTA to their business and operational processes, and often these centre around similar themes and queries. The webinar presents an opportunity for members of The CHO to collectively discuss their questions in a confidential environment.

We have also been reviewing the dispute escalation procedure, as described in 2.7 of the GTA and how to make this work effectively for CHCs. We have received some complaints which were valid in their content but were unable to be resolved through the dispute process due to the way they were presented or the timeframe in which they were raised.

We are keen to review this process with our members, to answer any queries but also to share examples and methods which have proved to be effective in raising a complaint, and having it considered by the Technical Committee at the GTA.

The discussion will be chaired by Matt Rowland alongside Peter Gomes, Interim CEO, who is also The CHO representative on the GTA Technical Committee.

To register for the webinar, please click here.

If you have any questions or topics you would like to be discussed, please email

Please send this to any relevant members of your organisation you also may like to join the discussion.